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ISF Filing Fee

The total to get your ISF with U.S. Customs is $125, this price includes the ISF Filing and ISF Bond fee. We do not charge extra premiums for late ISF Filings and there are no extra costs and hidden fees on top of the flat rate provided. For new importers, our ISF Filing also includes free importer registration CBP Form 5106 with U.S. Customs. 


Flat Rate ISF Filing

ISF Filing Fee: $125 (No additional fees, Includes ISF Bond)


Customs Clearance Pricing

Customs Clearance: $150 (Includes Customs Clearance Filing & Single Entry Bond for shipments up to $20,000 in value, any overage in value is subject to $10 extra for 10K in bond coverage for clearance.


Customs Clearance services are available after your ISF is filed. Upon completion of the ISF Filing, a customs clearing agent will guide you through the remainder of the import process, until you get your goods. Please note that the applicable import duty and fees for your goods will be due to Customs at time of clearance and your clearing agent can help you remit to CBP.​​

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